Technical expertise tailored for you

Every licensee is different, so is their production and material. Välinge have over 20 employees in Viken and Shanghai, dedicated to make sure that our licensees have the best technical support in order to produce a superior flooring. Thanks to the company’s technical specialists Välinge is able to shorten time-to-market and improve the installation and performance of floating floors.

“We always want to test the locking profiles on our licensee’s materials before they begin to profile. After we receive the material from the licensee, we make a profiling test and relevant adjustments –  such as height positions, profile length, tongue positioning and tool-setup to maximize technical performance”, says Fredrik Söderberg, Mgr. Profiling & Prototypes.

Almost every profile is customized to some extent, that’s why company’s optimized profile drawings are so important to follow.

“We do not leave our licensees on their own, and we are happy to share our technical expertise. We also provide the licensees with a layout of the tool-setup and the different positions as input to their discussion with tool manufacturers. Thanks to our revised documentation, the licensee can successfully start production without unnecessary stops that cost time and money”, says Roger Ylikangas, Manager Locking Development.

The locking development group works closely with the Välinge laboratory. The laboratory performs continuous quality control and reports test values. Over 500 performance tests were completed in the Välinge laboratory during 2018.

“In addition to the customer projects, we are also continuously working on new inventions and improvements to existing technologies. New ideas generated throughout the organization are coming to life through our drawings and prototypes. Based on the results reached with those tests and based on the market potential of the invention, it is then handed over to the patenting department. As a customer of Välinge, you can always be sure to get the latest technology available”, concludes Roger Ylikangas.