European Parquet Market progressed significantly in 2021, but its positive evolution is now constrained by raw material supply

Based on information obtained from its member companies and national associations, FEP – the European Federation of the Parquet industry – estimates that the overall consumption figures on the European parquet market for the year 2021 are significantly increasing by 5,8% compared to 2020. This evaluation should be seen as a preliminary forecast and is the result of best estimates discussed with member country representatives at the recent FEP Board meeting held online. FEP underlines that this is a first prognosis subject to variations, in anticipation of the complete data to be communicated next June during its General Assembly in Hamburg.

After a stable year in 2020, the European consumption of parquet rose by 5,8% in 2021 despite the pandemic. Consumption of parquet has increased on all European markets especially during the 1st semester 2021, when compared to the same period in 2020. During the rest of the year, demand continued to grow but at a slower pace as consumers restarted to dedicate their spendings to areas such as leisure and travels. Nevertheless, renovation, and adaptation of homes to “post-covid-19” life, remains the driver of the parquet consumption growth. As usual, the results show variations from country to country, also reflecting the evolution of the pandemic and the related governmental measures in the different Member States in 2021 and 2020.

Countries such as France and Italy, which were not able to offset the loss experienced during the spring 2020 lockdown and reported declines in parquet consumption for the year 2020 as a whole, are showing the largest increases in parquet consumption in 2021 compared to 2020.

On the other hand, countries which totally, or partially, compensated, during the second half of 2020, the bad performance observed in March-April of the same year, generally report lower but still sustained increasing rates. This is the case for Austria, Germany, Scandinavia and Spain while the Swiss parquet market shows a significantly higher progression rate.

All Member States are now back or even beyond consumption levels of 2019 and demand is continuing to progress. However, it is sometimes difficult to fulfil orders on time as the issue of raw material supply – availability & affordability – remains acute. Supply of glues, lacquers… and now staggering energy costs are also hampering the positive evolution on the European parquet markets.

It is time that the European authorities consider the raw material issue and take relevant measures. This is paramount if those authorities want that wood products play effectively their positive role and tackle climate change by saving CO2!

FEP General Assembly & Parquet Congress 2022

The FEP’s 66th General Assembly and 46th Parquet Congress are scheduled on 9 & 10 June 2022 in the surprising city of Hamburg, Germany. FEP is already looking forward to welcoming all members, international guests and press representatives at this exclusive and awaited event for the Parquet Industry